Project Management
Cambridge City Council and It Takes A City
Brief 💼
Virtu Circle was asked to project lead work with Cambridge City Council and It Takes A City, a local charity looking to tackle the causes of homelessness, to explore setting up a place-based social Investment Fund in Greater Cambridge.
Approach 🔦
As project lead, Virtu Circle has managed the project through two phases, initially researching the need and local issues through interviews with key public and private stakeholders, desk research and a Call For Evidence. This culminated in writing and publishing a report “Coming Together” which explores how a blended fund could help tackle complex and system issues that impact inequality.
Following this, the project has gone into a development phase building a detailed business case and Theory of Change. This has involved hosting investor roundtables with social investors, the public sector, Universities and local philanthropists, and facilitating a social sector engagement event exploring opportunities in breakout sessions focusing on thematic issues.
Results 🌳
The ongoing project is forming a development board with a planned launch and funding later this year. Both Cambridge City Council and It Takes A City have been delighted with the delivery and progress of the project.
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